LDG Publishing

Musical Romantic Poetry by " The Poet Romantic "

©2001 LDG Publishing

[ Material on this site may not be used without prior, written permission. ]

Moonlight Nights!

Daylight now has ended,
Closed is its watchful eye.
The moon now takes residence
in the awesome night-time sky.

Without secrets, but full of revelation,
watchful is the guardian of the night.
Its light shines brightly upon us
inducing the passion of tonight.

This passion equals a gentle wind
that encircles our bodies with tender care.
Its like gently caressing fingers
directing the angelic dance of your hair.

My fingers follow the contours of your face
as I gaze into your eyes.
Just listen to the pounding of my heart
for you are that for which it cries.

A wandering whip-poor-will bellows its song
in unison with your silent words of love.
My heart replicates words the same
for you were sent to me from up above.

As we walk within our new found love
it is beside you that I wish to stay.
The night owl, in all its wisdom
has brought true love to us this day.

Night-time now has ended
Gone is its watchful eye.
The sun now takes residence
in the awesome daytime sky.


Evil Is The Bitch That Lies In Wait

Agenda is the keynote word,
one that tells and/or shows
the hostility hidden within

The hostility is often masked
by venom equal to that of a snake,
regurgitating with evil intention

The regurgitation carries on,
leaving its mark upon what or whoever.
Evil Is The Bitch That Lies In Wait

The Evil Bitch never hungers or thirsts,
for under her wings, she carries the
Book of Broken Hearts and Destroyed Lives.

Yet, lie in wait she does,
for another victim shall unknowingly
penetrate her web of deceit

Then her book lays claim to another,
one whose story is yet to be told.

Evil Is The Bitch That Lies In Wait